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410 reviews
Flüssiger Multi-Effekt Lidschatten mit Cream-To-Paint-Formel
Verstärke Deinen Look mit Colorshot, dem bahnbrechenden flüssigen... ‍‍‍‍‍Mehr lesen
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Entdecke Ekstase für die Augen mit einem einzigen Mal Auftragen des kräftigen Colorshots. Erhältlich in 12 Farbtönen und 3 innovativen Finishes: matte, metallic oder pearly. In einem Cream-To-Paint-Finish entfesselt er Deine Kreativität. Angereichert mit Sheabutter ist er wisch-, falten-, schweiß- und partyfest, ohne zu kleben oder auszutrocknen. Das Produkt bietet bis zu 12 Stunden lang Halt.

100%: Das Produkt hat eine hochpigmentierte und cremige Formel

94%: Das Produkt hat eine hohe Deckkraft

97%: Das Produkt trocknet nicht aus

92%: Die Intensität des Make-Ups kann durch Auftragen mehrerer Schichten aufgebaut werden

Die Haut fühlt sich bis zu 12 Stunden mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt an

Das Make-up-Ergebnis ist bis zu 12 Stunden lang anhaltend

*Konsumententest mit 65 Probanden


Verwende ihn als Lidschatten oder Eyeliner, indem Du den Colorshot entweder mit dem Finger oder einem Pinsel auf Dein Augenlid aufträgst. Trage einen Farbton alleine auf, mische oder schichte mehrere Farbtöne, um einzigartige Looks zu kreieren. Verwende den Colorshot auch im Gesicht, um zu konturieren oder Deine Augenbrauen zu umranden.

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Eyephoria Universum

Kreiere Makeup-Looks, die Du noch nie zuvor gesehen hast. Eyephoria von Rabanne sorgt für den ultimativen Augenaufschlag. Jedes begehrenswerte Stück ist in futuristischen Texturen und begehrenswerten Farben erhältlich, die der Selbstdarstellung keine Grenzen setzen.




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4.8 / 5

410 reviews

Convenient Liquid Shadow Tube



I was sent the Eyephoria Colorshot Liquid Eyeshadow (Metallic) in the shade “61 Black Lune” by Rabanne. I sampled the liquid shadow using 2 techniques, 1) as a liquid liner, and 2) for a quick 2 color eyeshadow look. After quickly sampling this product, the word that comes to mind when using it is Convenient. From the tube packaging to the other available shades. If you’re in a time crunch, all you need is this product (in one of the metallic or pearl shades), a tapered blending brush and your bronzer/transition shadow. BOOM… a look! If a matte blue based pink shade were available, this could be used as a blush or liquid lipstick. Con: you don’t have a lot of play time. There is something in this formula that is reminiscent of a silicone based product. Like if you don’t completely use the amount that was squeezed on the back of your hand/canvas, as it starts to dry, it will get clumpy and could roll off the skin (similar to when a silicone based foundation primer starts pilling). How I would maneuver around this is to either, 1) work fast with the product, 2) use small amounts at a time, or 3) if the product has already begun to dry up… squeeze out more.

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Creamy and pigmented



Super creamy and easy to apply. The pigment is AMAZING and it’s fairly easy to blend, even with just my finger. I had no issues with fall out and it’s a very different product with nice results

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When I tell you I need more colors I need more colors!!! This is so freaking beautiful on the eyes. It was the easiest to blend with other colors, too. The glitter in it too isn't too heavy!!

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Beautiful Galaxy Color!


Huge thanks to @Influenster and @rabanne for this luxurious and captivating liquid eyeshadow! Wow, wow, wow with this one. I'm seriously so amazed on how brilliant and sparkly and smooth this dark color applied. I really thought it was going to be chalky and patchy to apply. It is insanely smooth and light on the skin. I used an eyeshadow primer prior to applying it on my little sister. It was quick and easy to create this smokey eye look! With a little bit of mascara and eyeliner after applying the eyeshadow and voila, such a bold yet quick and easy look! My little sister wanted to go for a dark gothic look and I couldnt be happier to how this turned out. I used super small bead sizes to gradually apply on her eyelid. This tube will last a life time, literally! So much product for the price, I'd definitely purchase again when this one is done ( in about 5 years lol) Both my little sister and I loved the sparkle in the black, it's subtle enough for a smokey eye. Definitely reminded us of how the galaxy looks in Nasa pictures, very very captivating:) So glad I went with this color, I can't wait to wear it myself<3

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Great liquid eyeshadow !



The Eyephoria Colorshot liquid eyeshadow has great pigmentation and was relatively easy to blend when it's not dried down. However, the formula dries quickly so you need to work fast. It's easier to blend with your fingers. It lasts a while and it's easy to remove with micellar water.

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Very pigmented



The pigment is a deep black with sparkles. The texture is creamy and easy to manipulate with a brush. I tried it out as an eye shadow and as eyeliner. It has a little fallout but I think if it is used with primer, it would be longer lasting.

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Great pigment



Thank you influencer and eyephoria colorshot liquid eyeshadow love this pigment goes on very well blends very wells long lasting comes in a small tube the color is black and it's very black bright just love the way it looks!!

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Really versatile



This is such a deeply pigmented product and it glides on like a dream. Personally, I prefer using this as a perfect eyeliner with a sharp angled brush. Either way, it’s a beautiful product!

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Good pigment


This cream shadow is very good, it has good pigment, and it is metallic, it blends easily, it is perfect for a smoky eye and can also be used as an eyeliner, it lasts quite a while throughout the day, although I think it needs to be sealed. on hot days, but it is excellent.

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I'm going to warn you. A little goes a very long way! I used just a tiny dot and it was all over the place. Once I got it under control it looked beautiful. The color is vivid and long lasting. I'm definitely going to buy more shades of this. This is my first time using liquid eyeshadow!

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